
My name is Clare and I started Misfiction in 2012, the summer after my sophomore year of high school. I didn't initially go into this with the idea of starting a company - when I started painting custom Vans for a few of my friends, my brother Bernard encouraged me to pursue this hobby as a business. I’ve always cringed at the thought of getting a real job, so this turned out to be the perfect opportunity to make a little extra money while doing something I love. After about a year of painting shoes and promoting my company through social media, I decided to chase one of my ultimate dreams of having my own clothing line. But instead of just selling shirts with random doodles or overused quotes, my main goal with Misfiction is to ultimately have a positive impact upon individuals. Every single person has their own struggles and it can get tough, and I want to use my clothes to spread positivity (despite how cliché it may sound). Something that started as a little hobby has become a huge part of my life now, and I hope to build Misfiction even further. :)

<3 Clare